Working with different personality styles during a crisis

As humans, our unconscious biases mean that we naturally assume that others work the same way we do. In a remote working environment, that can very easily result in frustrated and disconnected coworkers. The people who are going to successfully exit a crisis with their team are the ones who can identify the unique work styles of each member and communicate accordingly. There are 3 main personality areas to consider when supporting and communicating with your team members in this time, specifically, Social, Emotional, and Task Approach. 1. Social Approach (Extrovert vs Introvert) How people socialise and interact with others; Which team members

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3 Things to Get Right for Talent Fit

A poor fitting employee who leaves can cost the business at least 30% of their annual salary. Poor fit leads to turnover, and significant turnover financially cripples businesses. So how can you secure the right people who will perform in their jobs, as well as capture their heart to keep them engaged and satisfied? When people fit their jobs… they perform in their role. When people align with teams… the team outperforms. When people align with culture… the company thrives. Ensuring the right fit requires understanding of how an individual aligns or adds to their environment, and this means deeper insights about

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A 5-step guide to managing culture

A Forbes study revealed that, although culture was a top-three priority for company boards, only 20% actually spent the time required to manage and improve it.  Hardly surprising, given that even industry experts often seem to be at a loss when it comes to measuring, managing and changing culture. Despite ‘culture’ being the buzz word of the last few years, many of us are still left to ponder…  what actually is it? A company’s culture is like the personality of the company.  It is how most of the people who make up the group behave  (all of them, not just

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There’s no point discussing culture until you’ve identified it

There are two components to culture:  1) strength  and  2) style.  Most of the time when we talk about culture colloquially,  we are talking about strength.  A Harvard study of more than 200 companies found that a strong culture can increase net income by more than 700% over ten years.  This kind of statement seems to suggest that good culture is a ‘one size fits all’ solution.  However, Pixar, Google and Huawei all have strong cultures, yet also distinctly different cultures. There’s no point trying to strengthen your culture unless you know what kind of culture you need to strengthen.

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Engagement drives productivity… what drives engagement?

Everyone is talking about engagement.  This is probably because research studies have consistently shown that employee engagement is the common thread between profitability, productivity, employee retention and loyalty.  According to Gallup, two thirds of full-time employees are disengaged at work and this results in billions of dollars’ worth of lost productivity.  It seems clear that our current performance models are not working.  What is less clear is how to create an engaged workforce in our increasingly disrupted and volatile business landscape…  By ‘not working’ it’s important to distinguish between thriving and surviving employees.  Disengaged employees still achieve the bottom line (surviving).  They

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