Fostering Connections in a Hybrid Work Environment: The Key to Success
As we navigate through our hybrid work environments, how do we remain connected? Hybrid work, which allows employees to split their time between working remotely and working in the office, provides a host of benefits including greater flexibility, reduced commute times, and the potential for a better work-life balance. However, as much as this new norm offers various advantages, it also poses a unique set of challenges. One such challenge is maintaining connection and a sense of team unity when employees aren’t physically together all the time. How do we maintain and grow our connections in a hybrid work environment.
What is TalentIdentify?
TalentIdentify helps you make smarter people decisions, creating connection and fulfillment. TalentIdentify is your connected people insights companion that helps you make smarter recruitment and development decisions, improving employee engagement and retention. It allows you to tap into contemporary and holistic behavioural science, on-demand, to identify talent, develop effective teams, and create the culture you need. Every day we make people decisions that impact our future success. We do this without having the full picture, TalentIdentify augments your intelligence anytime and anywhere. It’s a modern and holistic assessment companion delivering all four types of critical people success insights, behaviour, values,
Announcement Chief Executive Officer Appointment
Former Australia Post Executive and Transformation Consultant Joins TalentIdentify as CEO We are pleased to announce Kerry Ashbrook as our CEO. Kerry brings a wealth of skills and experience that will take us one step closer towards creating more fulfillment and connection at work. Under Kerry’s leadership we will continue to develop and grow our market share by enabling more teams to make smarter hiring and development decisions. TalentIdentify is a holistic assessment analytics companion that focuses on combining people science and technology to augment and boost, rather than artificially replace, our natural human intelligence to support smarter hiring and
Hiring for culture fit? Start by planning for a roadtrip
Who should you add to your team: the superstar with great skills who feels like a poor culture fit, or the person with weaker skills but who is a stronger culture fit? Hiring decisions are like going on a roadtrip. Who do you allow to ride in your car? Perhaps you’ve found someone known for their driving skills, but more importantly, would you let them in without confirming how they will behave? That can ruin things for everyone halfway in – and it has for so many teams who’ve hired the wrong person. It’s no wonder 90% of employers say
4 important things that determine if your hires fit or fail
We all know what it’s like to work with someone who interviewed really well and had all the required skills and qualifications to do the work, but somehow when in the job, didn’t perform or cooperate to help the team move forward. That is a widespread complaint today when considering a bad hire, but it’s not a new problem. It’s always been hard to identify if candidates really are the right fit early on, and too late when you find out months later. An estimated 46% of hires fail within 18 months. Each one will cost you significantly, at an
Building high performance teams comes down to 2 simple things
2020 was a difficult year for most teams and organisations, and yet also an eye-opening experience to see how the teams that have survived and thrived have been the ones where its members are most aligned. How aligned are your team members in being prepared for future challenges? We are facing more different and unique challenges having to build teams of different personalities, who work from a distance around varying arrangements, whilst trying to keep employees engaged and performing in increasingly digital workplaces. Unsurprisingly, businesses are finding that their greatest challenges are people-related, finding themselves Hiring skilled people, but providing a