Identify, recognise and secure the people you need

TalentIdentify helps you to build higher performing teams and cultures,
using the most current tools and actionable people insights

Traditional people solutions lead to disengagement and turnover

No more outdated tools

They are based on outdated, or proprietary people science

don't be restricted

They are restricted in depth and applicability of insights

fix lengthy processes

They are costly, lengthy, and slow to administer

TalentIdentify is a people companion for smarter hiring and development

TalentIdentify is a modern solution that adds value to everyone in the process

Here is how it works

insights to hire for and
build effective teams

Empower your managers to identify potential and talent more quickly and accurately.

Tools to help DRIVE
Desired team CULTURES

Get on-demand people insights using the most current and validated tools in science.

Reviews to help Candidates
get a fair, FAST evaluation

Make better hiring and promotion decisions with more powerful talent insights.

Make smarter people decisions

get started in seconds

Identify Talent. Develop better Teams. Drive your desired Culture.


TalentIdentify helps you build more effective teams, drive ideal culture, and hire the most suitable candidates, through deeper insights that support better decisions for everyday success.

© 2019 TalentIdentify